Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing refers to actively using a Facebook business page as a tool to communicate a targeted piece of marketing content towards your ideal potential customers interested in that content. By using specific targeting techniques, the Ads are shown to people who are most interested in what you have to offer. The purpose of the Ad content is to get them to engage with your brand as comments, or getting them to your website to find out more information. This is commonly – the first point of contact to an audience who can potentially become a client.

Who uses Facebook Marketing?

Whether you have had success with Facebook’s advertising or been heart broken, there is one component that is tough to argue with. Facebook generates more advertising revenue than any of its social media peers. A lot of businesses have tried Facebook promotions to date. The best use of Facebook Marketing comes from businesses who connect to everyday consumers. We call it ‘B2C’ which stands for Business to Consumers. Facebook allows some very specific profile targeting options in the Ad platform which allows the advertising to be highly specific to a wide audience of people who’s interests match what you are looking for.

I heard Facebook Marketing Doesn't Work?

For a lot of people it doesn’t. It depends heavily on several factors. What are you trying to get people to buy? A Hairdresser can easily attract new clients for a special offer. It is a lot harder to get someone to invest in a purchase worth $1000’s of dollars. Also, a lot of businesses sell to other businesses (B2B). Facebook is designed for the individual end user, not a business looking for say; new equipment. The is a science behind the perfect Ad campaign on Facebook. Is it quality Ad content? Is it the right image or video? Has the right audience been targeted? What’s the call to action for interested people to take? What’s the next steps for the enquiry process so you get their details to talk to the person interested? Do you have an automated funnel setup with more information to be sent immediately to the prospect?

There are many factors that make Facebook Advertising successful. We have spent 8 years working on it, and spent well over 100K in our own Ads training from one of the worlds best Facebook Marketers. We are experienced to know what will work, and what won’t.

How much do I need to spend on Facebook Marketing to get a result?

This varies considerably. We encourage you to think differently. How much profit margin do you have in the product you want them to buy?

Let’s say you have a $500 product or service you are offering. With a 60% profit margin on it. Therefore you have $400 gross margin per sale. Obviously you want to pay as little as possible to acquire the sale, so lets say you generate leads at $5 each. It might take up to 20 leads to make a sale. therefore it has cost you $100 to make the sale – resulting in $300 margin after advertising costs. This is now a ‘saleable product or service’ for which Facebook Ads have worked very well for. You would increase the marketing spend to win more business until your business reached capacity.

The only way you know this end result is by testing Facebook Ads on your best selling, profitable items, and work out the numbers after you have tested it.

What happens when the 'Lead Quality' is 'No Good'?

We know this is a major concern for people investing money into marketing which they are not in control of. We have seen this for years. There are many so called “Facebook Marketers” who do not have the reputation of delivering results. There is also a lot of people who have tried Facebook Ads who do not have the right systems or people in place to follow up with the clients correctly. An example would be – we ran similar campaigns across 2 different regions for a beauty franchise. Same targeted clientele, from the same brand. One company converted 38 from every 50 leads into an appointment. Another location converted less than 10 from 50 leads sent to them. The business owner has a large factor in the conversion of lead enquiries into clients. Most leads DO NOT BUY from the very first interaction from Facebook. Many need follow up, and many “touch points’ before they are ready to move forward. The larger the investment you are asking them to make, the more important the need to treat leads with the respect they deserve. We do not supply leads to businesses who do not have the appropriate systems in place to continually contact existing leads. The good news is, we have several ways to set this up for you to ensure everyone knows what is happening.

How does using Facebook compared to other platforms improve my Online Footprint?

Facebook is one of the key social media sites that influence the decisions of potential buyers. While You Tube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and other lesser used social media platforms may be required for your business. The sheer fact that Facebook has the most daily users accessing their platform, backed by the immense targeting options available to Advertisers mean this platform is and essential part of your online footprint. Facebook also owns Instagram which has become more popular in Australia, especially for the visually based businesses like beauty, home renovations, fashion, travel ect. You can advertise on Instagram using the Facebook platform which has many positive uses.

Basically – when you combine Facebook, Google and your Mobile Friendly Website – you can achieve a market leading position for your business. Let us show you how.

How do we track the results of a Facebook Marketing Campaign?

Simple. We do it with you. Basically we research the data from each campaign, establish a per lead cost, then we work out the conversion rate you achieved from those leads to clients, and look at what sales and gross profit you made. With a few calculations we know what it cost you to acquire the new clients, and what profit you made from them. If all the numbers end up as we expect, you have the chance to scale the ad spend and generate lots more ongoing new business. This process, should make your investment in marketing a long term strategy that will result in massive growth, with a considerable business value increase. Exactly what you need when it comes time to sell one day.   

What is Facebook Retargeting?

Retargeting is a form of online advertising that brings back website visitors who haven’t converted on their first visit to an online store. When a person visits your website, a ”cookie” is placed on their browser. The cookie lets you recognise and follow your website visitors when they visits other sites, and when they use Facebook again. We then advertise a specific message to get them to click on the ad and come back to your website. Truth is, most people come to your website initially to research you, or look into something they have heard about. At this point they are not ready to purchase. Retargeting keeps your website / brand accessible to them for the next 7/30/90 days with subtle ad placements inside their Facebook feeds to keep your brand top of mind.

Retargeted people convert 3x better than cold traffic, so it i an important strategy that is extremely cost effective for only a few $$ a day.

What is Facebook Targeting?

Facebook has the most advanced “targeted audience selection” compared to ANY marketing channel in the world. It revolutionised the way people can minimise their dollar spend on marketing. It also opened up the possibilities for small and low budget businesses to compete with big budget brands in the same market. Targeting works by allowing the selection of many variables – and then only those people will see that Ad. As an example – an beauty business can target Female Only, 45-55 year old women who have interests in beauty, fashion, lipstick, hair and makeup who are parents of kids under the age of 10, who live within a 10km radius of your shop location, shown on Mobile Phone’s only. Now that is pretty specific marketing if that is what makes up 80% of your business. Your ads are then only shown to those exact people. There is no wasted views by Males, or women who normally do not suit that specific treatment you are advertising. Advertising in newspapers, yellow pages, magazines, outdoor billboards and buses, have been significantly effected with the rise of Facebook marketing. These same marketing targeting also apply to Instagram who is owned by Facebook.     

What will developing our Online Footprint and Managing our Marketing cost us?

Great Question. The best answer I have is to ask you – can you afford not to invest in yourself? What is your main competition doing? If your competition started winning 20-30% of your niche market share in the next 2-3 years – will you still be in business?

We have seen this happen in real estate, seen it happen in hairdressing, seen it happen in restaurants, seen it happen in the building industry. You get the picture.

we have several ways for you to invest in your own future.

Normally after an assessment of your business and discussion with you, we will establish what the priorities are for you. Typically we have agreed on a monthly set fee to cover everything you need to get your business setup. It starts from a few hundred per month – up to our “Competition Killer” levels which are several thousand per month. Generally our pricing includes all costs including Advertising spend to generate the results you need.

It is our objective to return you with enough new enquiry leading to client sales which will not only fund the entire investment, this will result in business growth and profitability well in excess of your investment.  

Managing social media channels in business - (2018 data by TickYes.com.au)

Most Australian businesses are continuing to manage social media internally, with 8% of small businesses being the most likely to outsource social media management.

7 in 10 small business owners manage their own social media, compared to just 10% of large business owners, who are 85% more likely to enrol the help of their marketing department or outsourced marketing agency, up from 53% in 2017. Daily social media updates are increasing among ALL sectors of business, and 88% of large businesses now post on social media everyday, up from 65% in 2017.

This reflects the response to growing consumer demand for social content, with 59% of Australians now using social media daily, and more than a third checking their newsfeeds at least five times a day. Interestingly, almost 50% of small businesses are only posting content on social media once a week or less, while 4% of medium businesses and 3% of small businesses never update their social media channels.