Zaphfall German Beer Hall & Resturant – Case Study


Increase customer count on low volume days. Generate additional sales to make a breakeven business profitable quickly.

They had a massive dining area, so on slow days it felt empty, but when full – it was buzzing with a great atmosphere. 12 Month strategy was to increase sales to a level that also increased the sales price of the business.

Zaphfall had big issues with customer counts on certain days of the week. Wednesday & Friday nights and Sunday lunch times were typically pretty empty. The focus was to drive sales on these days to ensure the viability of the 200+ seat venue.

Strategy 1

Develop several different food offers that are irresistible and appeal to a different range of clientele. We identified ‘All you can Eat’ promotions called Wicked Wings Wednesday’s, German Snitty’s on Fridays, and a Pulled Pork offer on Sundays.

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Strategy 2

Use Professional product photos and tie in an offer with a $5 pint of the most profitable German beer. Include onsite competitions and giveaways to encourage guests stayed longer so their average spend increased.

Strategy 3

Utilise Facebooks targeting options to advertise on Facebook to the exact target market. Encourage bookings for larger groups and use of promotional price points for meals. Encouraging the ‘All you can Eat’ method to the younger audience who seen it as a challenge to eat more than they need.


Head count went to a total of 220+ guests compared to the normal 30-40 guests per dinning session within 2 weeks. After 4 weeks the place was booked out Wednesdays and Thursdays. Resulting in over $10,000 per week in additional sales on the 3 days midweek nights. Cost of Goods during all you can eat promos maintained just over 30% which meant the additional sales become highly profitable.